PostForum: The Vietnam War - Apr. 30, 2001


Next month marks the 26th anniversary of the fall of the city of Saigon to the
North Vietnamese Army, and the abrupt end of the Vietnam War. Much has been
written recently about that war, and about the turmoil that rocked the United
States as it was fought. Accordingly, many formerly well-known names have
been in the news once again: Johnson, Berrigan, Nixon, Fonda, Westmoreland,
Calley, Ellsberg, Giap, Ky - and even Mary Ann Vecchio, of Kent State
University fame.

Among the names not mentioned at all have been those of the 239 young
Americans who won their nation's highest award for combat - the Medal of
Honor - between 1964, when U.S. forces were first engaged, and 1972, when the
last American ground troops were withdrawn.
This anniversary should not pass without their heroism and sacrifice - 151 of
the 239 medals were awarded posthumously - being noted. America owes these
men a debt that can never fully be repaid, and in that spirit The Post here
prints their names, the date they earned the medal, and their home towns.
An asterisk denotes a posthumous award.

A moment of quiet reflection would not be inappropriate.

Adams, William E.,Maj., USA. 25 May 1971; Kansas City, Mo.
*Albanese, Lewis,PFC, USA. 1 Dec. 1966; Seattle, Wash.
*Anderson, James, Jr., PFC, USMC. 28 Feb. 1967; Los Angeles, Calif.
*Anderson, Richard A., LCpl., USMC. 24 Aug. 1969; Houston, Tex.
Anderson, Webster, Sgt. 1st Class, USA. 15 Oct. 1967; Winnsboro, S.C.
*Ashley, Eugene, Jr., Sgt. 1st Class, USA. 6th&7th Feb. 1968; New York, N.Y.
*Austin, Oscar P., PFC, USMC. 23 Feb. 1969; Phoenix, Ariz.
Baca, John P.,Spec. 4, USA. 10 Feb. 1970; Fort Ord, Calif.
Bacon, Nicky Daniel, Staff Sgt., USA. 26 Aug. 1968; Phoenix, Ariz.
Baker, John F. Jr., Sgt. (then Pfc.), USA. 5 Nov. 1966; Moline, Ill.
Ballard, Donald E., HM2, USN. 16 May 1968; Kansas City, Mo.
*Barker, Jedh Colby, LCpl., USMC. 21 Sept. 1967; Park Ridge, N.J.
*Barnes, John Andrew III, PFC, USA. 12 Nov. 1967; Boston, Mass.
Barnum, Harvey C., Capt. (then Lt.), USMC. 18 Dec. 1965; Cheshire, Conn.
Beikirch, Gary B., Sgt., USA. 1 April 1970; Buffalo, N.Y.
*Belcher, Ted, Sgt., USA. 19 Nov. 1966; Huntington, W.Va.
*Bellrichard, Leslie Allen, PFC, USA. 20 May 1967; Oakland, Calif.
Benavidez, Roy P., Master Sgt. (then Staff Sgt.) 2 May 1968; Houston, Tex.
*Bennett, Steven L., Capt., USAF. 29 June 1972; Lafayette, La.
*Bennett, Thomas W., Cpl., USA. 9-11 Feb. 1969; Fairmont, W. Va.
*Blanchfield, Michael R., Spec. 4, USA. 3 July 1969; Chicago, Ill.
*Bobo, John P., 2nd Lt., USMC Reserve. 30 March 1967; Buffalo, N.Y.
Bondsteel, James Leroy, Staff Sgt., USA. 24 May 1969; Detroit, Mich.
Bowen, Hammett L. Jr., Staff Sgt., USA. 27 June 1969; Jacksonville, Fla.
Brady, Patrick Henry, Maj., USA Medical Svc. Corps. 6 Jan. 1968; Seattle, Wa.
*Bruce, Daniel D., PFC, USMC. 1 March 1969; Chicago, Ill.
*Bryant, William Maud, Sgt. 1st Class, USA. 24 March 1969; Detroit, Mich.
Bucha, Paul William, Capt., USA. D Co., 3/187th Inf., 101st Abn. Div.
16-19 March 1968; U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
*Buker, Brian L., Sgt., USA. 5 April 1970; Bangor, Maine.
*Burke, Robert C., PFC, USMC. 17 May 1968; Chicago, Ill.
*Capodanno, Vincent R., Lt., USN. Chaplain Corps. 4 Sept. 1967; Staten Island, N.Y.
*Caron, Wayne Maurice, HM3, USN. 28 July 1968; Boston, Mass.
*Carter, Bruce W., PFC, USMC. 7 Aug. 1969; Jacksonville, Fla.
Cavaiani, Jon R., Staff Sgt., USA. 4 and 5 June 1971; Fresno, Calif.
Clausen, Raymond M., PFC, USMC. 31 Jan. 1970; New Orleans, La.
*Coker, Ronald L., PFC, USMC. 24 March 1969; Denver, Colo.
*Connor, Peter S., Staff Sgt., USMC. 25 Feb. 1966; South Orange, N.J.
*Cook, Donald Gilbert, Col., USMC. 8 Dec. 1967; Brooklyn, N.Y.
*Creek, Thomas E., LCpl., USMC. 13 Feb. 1969; Amarillo, Texas.
*Crescenz, Michael J., Cpl., USA. 20 Nov. 1968; Philadelphia, PA.
*Cutinha, Nicholas J., Spec. 4, USA. 2 March 1968; Coral Gables, Fla.
*Dahl, Larry G., Spec. 4, USA. 23 Feb. 1971; Portland, Ore.
*Davis, Rodney Maxwell, Sgt., USMC. 6 Sept. 1967; Macon, Ga.
Davis, Sammy L., Sgt., USA. 18 Nov. 1967; Indianapolis, Ind.
Day, George E., Col. (then Maj.), USAF. 26 Aug. 1967; Sioux City, Iowa.
*De La Garza, Emilio A. Jr., LCpl., USMC. 11 April 1970; Chicago, Ill.
Dethlefsen, Merlyn Hans, Maj. (then Capt.), USAF. 10 March 1967; Royal, Iowa.
*Devore, Edward A. Jr., Spec. 4, USA. 17 March 1968; Harbor City, Calif.
*Dias, Ralph E., PFC, USMC. 12 Nov. 1969; Pittsburgh, Pa.
*Dickey, Douglas E., PFC, USMC. 26 March 1967; Cincinnati, Ohio.
Dix, Drew Dennis, Staff Sgt., USA. 31 Jan. and 1 Feb. 1968; Denver, Colo.
*Doane, Stephen Holden, 1st Lt., USA. 25 March 1969; Albany, N.Y.
Dolby, David Charles, Sgt. (then Sp4c.), USA. 21 May 1966; Philadelphia, Pa.
Donlon, Roger Hugh C., Capt., USA. 6 July 1964; Fort Chaffee, Ark.
Dunagan, Kern W., Maj., USA. 13 May 1969; Los Angeles, Calif.
*Durham, Harold Bascom, Jr., 2nd Lt., USA. 17 Oct. 1967; Atlanta, Ga.
*English, Glenn H. Jr., Staff Sgt., USA. 173d Abn Bde (SEP) 7 Sept. 1970; Philadelphia, Pa.
*Estocin, Michael J., Capt. (then Lt. Cmdr.), USN. 20&26 Apr. 1967; Akron, Oh.
*Evans, Donald W. Jr., Spec. 4, USA. 27 Jan. 1967; Covina, Calif.
*Evans, Rodney J., Sgt., USA. 18 July 1969; Montgomery, Ala.
Ferguson, Frederick Edgar, Chief Warrant Officer, USA. 31 Jan. 1968; Phoenix, Az.
*Fernandez, Daniel, Spec. 4, USA. 18 Feb. 1966; Albuquerque, N. Mex.
Fisher, Bernard Francis, Maj., USAF. 10 March 1966; Kuna, Idaho.
Fitzmaurice, Michael John, Spec. 4, USA. 23 March 1971; Jamestown, N.D.
*Fleek, Charles Clinton, Sgt., USA. 27 May 1967; Cincinnati, Ohio.
Fleming, James P., Capt., USAF. 26 Nov. 1968; Pullman, Wash.
Foley, Robert F., Capt., USA. 5 Nov. 1966; Newton, Mass.
*Folland, Michael Fleming, Cpl., USA. 3 July 1969; Richmond, Va.
*Foster, Paul Hellstrom, Sgt., USMC Reserve. 14 Oct. 1967; San Francisco, Ca.
Fox, Wesley L., Capt., USMC. 22 Feb. 1969; Leesburg, Va.
*Fratellenico, Frank R., Cpl., USA. 19 Aug. 1970; Albany, N.Y.
*Fournet, Douglas B., 1st Lt., USA. 4 May 1968; New Orleans, La.
*Fous, James W., PFC, USA. 14 May 1968; Omaha, Neb.
Fritz, Harold A., Capt., USA. 11 Jan. 1969; Milwaukee, Wis.
*Gardner, James A., 1st Lt., USA. 7 Feb. 1966; Memphis, Tenn.
*Gertsch, John G., Staff Sgt., USA. 15 to 19 July 1969; Buffalo, N.Y.
*Gonzalez, Alfredo, Sgt., USMC. 4 Feb. 1968; San Antonio, Tex.
*Graham, James A., Capt., USMC. 2 June 1967; Prince Georges, Md.
*Grandstaff, Bruce Alan, Platoon Sgt., USA. 18 May 1967; Spokane, Wash.
*Grant, Joseph Xavier, Capt. (then 1st Lt.), USA. 13 Nov. 1966; Boston, Mass.
*Graves, Terrence Collinson, 2nd Lt., USMC. 16 Feb. 1968; New York.
*Guenette, Peter M., Spec. 4, USA. 18 May 1968; Albany, N.Y.
Hagemeister, Charles Chris, Spec. 5 (then Sp4c.) USA. 20 Mar. 1967; Lincoln, Ne.
*Hagen, Loren D., 1st Lt., USA. 7 Aug. 1971; Fargo, N.D.
*Hartsock, Robert W., Staff Sgt., USA. 23 Feb. 1969; Fairmont, W. Va.
*Harvey, Carmel Bernon, Jr., Spec. 4, USA. 21 June 1967; Chicago, Ill.
Herda, Frank A., Spec. 4, USA. 29 June 1968; Cleveland, Ohio.
*Hibbs, Robert John, 2nd Lt., USA. 5 March 1966; Des Moines, Iowa.
*Holcomb, John Noble, Sgt., USA. 3 Dec. 1968; Corvallis, Ore.
Hooper, Joe R., Staff Sgt., USA. 21 Feb. 1968; Los Angeles, Calif.
*Hosking, Charles Ernest, Jr., Master Sgt., USA. 21 March 1967; Fort Dix, N.J.
Howard, Jimmie E., Gunnery Sgt. (then S/Sgt.) USMC. 16 June 1966; Burlington, Ia.
Howard, Robert L., 1st Lt., USA. 30 Dec. 1968; Montgomery, Ala.
*Howe, James D., LCpl., USMC. 6 May 1970; Fort Jackson, S.C.
*Ingalls, George Alan, Spec. 4, USA. 16 April 1967; Los Angeles, Calif.
Jackson, Joe M., Lt. Col., USAF. 12 May 1968; Newman, Ga.
Jacobs, Jack H., Capt., USA. 9 March 1968; Trenton, N.J.
Jenkins, Don J., Staff Sgt., USA. 6 Jan. 1969; Nashville, Tenn.
*Jenkins, Robert H. Jr., PFC, USMC. 5 March 1969; Jacksonville, Fla.
Jennings, Delbert O., Staff Sgt., USA. 27 Dec. 1966; San Francisco, Calif.
*Jimenez, Jose Francisco, LCpl., USMC. 28 Aug. 1969; Phoenix, Ariz.
Joel, Lawrence, Spec. 6 (then Sp5c), USA. 8 Nov. 1965, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Johnson, Dwight H., Spec. 5, USA. 15 Jan. 1968; Detroit, Mich.
*Johnson, Ralph H., PFC, USMC. 5 March 1968; Oakland, Calif.
*Johnston, Donald R., Spec. 4, USA. 21 March 1969; Columbus, Ga.
*Jones, William A. III, Col., USAF. 1 Sept. 1968; Charlottesville, Va.
*Karopczyc, Stephen Edward, 1st Lt., USA. 12 March 1967; Bethpage, N.Y.
*Kawamura, Terry Teruo, Cpl., USA. 20 March 1969; Oahu, Hawaii.
Kays, Kenneth Michael, PFC, USA. 7 May 1970; Fairfield, Ill.
*Kedenburg, John J., Spec. 5, USA. 13 June 1968; Brooklyn, N.Y.
*Keith, Miguel, LCpl., USMC. 8 May 1970; Omaha, Neb.
Keller, Leonard B., Sgt., USA. 2 May 1967; Chicago, Ill.
Kelley, Thomas G., Lt. Cmdr., USN. 15 June 1969; Boston, Mass.
Kellogg, Allan Jay, Jr., Gunnery Sgt. (then S/Sgt.), USMC. 11 March 1970; Bridgeport, Conn.
Kerrey, Joseph R., Lt. jg, USNR. 14 March 1969; Omaha, Neb.
Kinsman, Thomas James, Spec. 4, USA. 6 Feb. 1968; Seattle, Wash.
Lambers, Paul Ronald, Staff Sgt., USA. 20 Aug. 1968; Holland, Mich.
Lang, George C., Spec. 4, USA. 22 Feb. 1969; Brooklyn, N.Y.
*Langhorn, Garfield M., PFC, USA. 15 Jan. 1969; Brooklyn, N.Y.
*Lapointe, Joseph G. Jr., Spec. 4, USA. 2 June 1969; Cincinnati, Ohio.
Lassen, Clyde Everett, Lt., USN. 19 June 1968; Jacksonville, Fla.
*Lauffer, Billy Lane, PFC, USA. 21 Sept. 1966; Phoenix, Ariz.
*Law, Robert D., Spec. 4, USA. 22 Feb. 1969; Dallas, Tex.
Lee, Howard V.,Maj., USMC. 8 and 9 Aug. 1966; Dumfries, Va.
*Lee, Milton A., PFC, USA. 26 April 1968; San Antonio, Tex.
*Leisy, Robert Ronald, 2nd Lt., USA. 2 Dec. 1969; Seattle, Wash.
Lemon, Peter C., Sgt., USA. 1 April 1970; Tawas City, Mich.
*Leonard, Matthew, Platoon Sgt., USA. 28 Feb. 1967; Birmingham, Ala.
Levitow, John L., Sgt., USAF. 24 Feb. 1969; New Haven, Conn.
Liteky, Angelo J.,Chaplain (Capt.), USA. 6 Dec. 1967; Fort Hamilton, N.Y.
Littrell, Gary Lee,Sgt. 1st Class, USA. 4-8 April 1970; Los Angeles, Calif.
Livingston, James E., Capt., USMC. 2 May 1968; McRae, Ga.
*Long, Donald Russell, Sgt., USA. 30 June 1966; Ashland, Ky.
*Lozada, Carlos James,PFC, USA. 20 Nov. 1967; New York, N.Y.
*Lucas, Andre C. Lt. Col., USA. 1 to 23 July 1970; West Point, N.Y.
Lynch, Allen James Sgt., USA. 15 Dec. 1967; Chicago, Ill.
Marm, Walter Joseph, Jr., 1st Lt. (then 2d Lt.), USA. 14 Nov. 1965; Pittsburgh, Pa.
*Martini, Gary W., PFC, USMC. 21 April 1967; Portland, Ore.
*Maxam, Larry Leonard, Cpl., USMC. 2 Feb. 1968; Los Angeles, Calif.
McCleery, Finnis D., platoon Sgt., USA. 14 May 1968; San Angelo, Tex.
McDonald, Phill, G., PFC, USA, A Co., 1/14th Infantry, 4th Inf. Div. June 7, 1968; Beckley, West Virginia.
McGinty, John J. III, 2nd Lt. (then S/Sgt.), USMC. 8 July 1966; Laurel Bay, S.C.
McGonagle, William L., Capt. (then Comdr.) USN. 8-9 June 1967; Thermal, Calif.
*McKibben, Ray, Sgt., USA. Troop B, 7th Squadron (Airmobile), 17th Cavalry, 8 Dec. 1968; Atlanta, Ga.
*McMahon, Thomas J., Spec. 4, USA. 19 March 1969; Portland, Maine.
McNerney, David H., First Sgt., USA. 22 March 1967; Fort Bliss, Tex.
*McWethy, Edgar Lee, Jr., Spec. 5, USA. 21 June 1967; Denver, Colo.
*Michael, Don Leslie, Spec. 4, USA. 8 April 1967; Montgomery, Ala.
Miller, Franklin D., Staff Sgt., USA. 5 Jan. 1970; Albuquerque, N. Mex.
*Miller, Gary L., 1st Lt., USA. 16 Feb. 1969; Roanoke, Va.
Modrzejewski, Robert J., Maj. (then Capt.), USMC. 5-18 July 1966; Milwaukee, Wi.
*Molnar, Frankie Zoly, Staff Sgt., USA. 20 May 1967; Fresno, Calif.
*Monroe, James H., PFC, USA. 16 Feb. 1967; Chicago, Ill.
*Morgan, William D., Cpl., USMC. 25 Feb. 1969; Pittsburgh, Pa.
Morris, Charles B., Staff Sgt. (then Sgt.), USA. 29 June 1966; Roanoke, Va.
*Murray, Robert C., Staff Sgt., USA. 7 June 1970; New York, N.Y.
*Nash, David P., PFC, USA. 29 Dec. 1968; Louisville, Ky.
*Newlin, Melvin Earl,PFC, USMC. 4 July 1967; Cleveland, Ohio.
*Noonan, Thomas P., Jr., LCpl., USMC. 5 Feb. 1969; Brooklyn, N.Y.
Norris, Thomas R., Lt., USN. 10 to 13 April 1972; Silver Spring, Md.
Novosel, Michael J., Chief Warrant Officer, USA. 2 Oct. 1969; Kenner, La.
*Olive, Milton L. III, PFC, USA. 173d Abn Bde (SEP) 22 Oct. 1965; Chicago, Ill.
*Olson, Kenneth L., Spec. 4, USA. 13 May 1968; Minneapolis, Minn.
O'Malley, Robert E., Sgt. (then Cpl.), USMC. 18 Aug. 1965; New York, N.Y.
*Ouellet, David G., Seaman, USN. 6 March 1967; Boston, Mass.
Patterson, Robert Martin, Sgt., USA. 6 May 1968; Raleigh, N.C.
*Paul, Joe C., LCpl., USMC. 18 Aug. 1965; Dayton, Ohio.
Penry, Richard A., Sgt., USA. 31 Jan. 1970; Oakland, Calif.
*Perkins, William Thomas, Jr., Cpl., USMC. 12 Oct. 1967; San Francisco, Calif.
*Peters, Lawrence David, Sgt., USMC. 4 Sept. 1967; Binghamton, N.Y.
*Petersen, Danny J., Spec. 4, USA. 9 Jan. 1970; Kansas City, Mo.
*Phipps, Jimmy W., PFC, USMC. 27 May 1969; Culver City, Calif.
*Pierce, Larry S., Sgt., USA. 20 Sept. 1965; Fresno, Calif.
Pittman, Richard A., Sgt. (then L/Cpl.), USMC. 24 July 1966; Stockton, Calif.
*Pitts, Riley L., Capt., USA. 31 Oct. 1967; Wichita, Kans.
Pless, Stephen W., Maj. (then Capt.), USMC. 19 Aug. 1967; Atlanta, Ga.
*Port, William D., Sgt. (then Pfc.), USA. 12 Jan. 1968; Harrisburg, Pa.
*Poxon, Robert Leslie, 1st Lt., USA. 2 June 1969; Detroit, Mich.
*Prom, William R., LCpl., USMC. Feb. 1969; Pittsburgh, Pa.
*Pruden, Robert J., Staff Sgt., USA. 29 Nov. 1969; Minneapolis, Minn.
*Rabel, Laszlo, Staff Sgt., USA. 13 Nov. 1968; Minneapolis, Minn.
*Ray, David Robert, HM2, USN. 19 March 1969; Nashville, Tenn.
Ray, Ronald Eric, Capt. (then 1st Lt.), USA. 19 June 1966; Atlanta, Ga.
*Reasoner, Frank S., 1st Lt., USMC. 12 July 1965; Kellogg, Idaho.
*Roark, Anund C., Sgt., USA. 16 May 1968; Los Angeles, Calif.
Roberts, Gordon R., Sgt. (then Sp4c.), USA. 11 July 1969; Cincinnati, Ohio.
*Robinson, James W., Jr., Sgt., USA. 11 April 1966; Chicago, Ill.
Rocco, Louis R., Warrant Officer (then Sgt. 1st Class), USA. 24 May 1970; Los Angeles, Calif.
Rogers, Charles Calvin, Lt. Col., U.S. 1 Nov. 1968; Institute, W Va.
*Rubio, Euripides, Capt., USA. 8 Nov. 1966; Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico.
*Santiago-Colon, Hector, Spec. 4, USA. 28 June 1968; New York, N.Y.
*Sargent, Ruppert L., 1st Lt., USA. 15 March 1967; Richmond, Va.
Sasser, Clarence Eugene, Spec. 5th Class (then PFC.), USA. 10 Jan. 1968; Houston, Texas
*Seay, William W., Sgt., USA. 25 Aug. 1968; Montgomery, Ala.
*Shea, Daniel John, PFC, USA. 14 May 1969; New Haven, Conn.
*Shields, Marvin G., Construction Mechanic Third Class, USN. 10 June 1965; Seattle, Wash.
*Sijan, Lance P., Capt., USAF. 9 Nov. 1967; Milwaukee, Wis.
*Sims, Clifford Chester, Staff Sgt., USA. 21 Feb. 1968; Jacksonville, Fla.
*Singleton, Walter K., Sgt., USMC. 24 March 1967; Memphis, Tenn.
*Sisler, George K., 1st Lt., USA. 7 Feb. 1967; Dexter, Mo.
*Skidgel, Donald Sidney, Sgt., USA. 14 Sept. 1969; Bangor, Maine.
*Smedley, Larry E., Cpl., USMC. 21 Dec. 1967; Orlando, Fla.
*Smith, Elmelindo R., Platoon Sgt. (then Staff Sgt.), USA. 6 Feb. 1967; Honolulu, Hawaii.
Sprayberry, James M., Capt. (then 1st Lt.), USA. 25 April 1968; Montgomery, Al.
*Steindam, Russell A., 1st Lt., USA. B Trp 3/4 Cav. 1 Feb. 1970; Austin, Tex.
*Stewart, Jimmy G., Staff Sgt., USA. 18 May 1966; Ashland, Ky.
Stockdale, James B, Rear Adm. (then Capt.), USN. 4 Sept. 1969; Abingdon, Ill.
*Stone, Lester R., Jr., Sgt., USA. 3 March 1969; Syracuse N.Y.
*Stout, Mitchell W., Sgt., USA. 12 March 1970; Raleigh, N.C.
*Stryker, Robert F., Spec. 4, USA. 7 Nov. 1967; Throop, N.Y.
Stumpf, Kenneth E., Staff Sgt. (then Spec. 4th Class), USA. 25 April 1967; Milwaukee, Wis.
Taylor, James Allen, Capt. (then 1st Lt.), USA. 9 Nov. 1967; San Francisco, Ca.
*Taylor, Karl G., Sr., Staff Sgt., USMC. 8 Dec. 1968; Baltimore, Md.
Thacker, Brian Miles, 1st Lt., USA. 31 March 1971; Salt Lake City, Utah.
Thornton, Michael Edwin, Petty Officer, USN. 1 Oct. 1972; Spartanburg, S.C.
Thorsness, Leo K., Lt. Col. (then Maj.), USAF. 19 April 1967; Walnut Grove, Mn.
Vargas, M. Sando, Jr., Maj. (then Capt.), USMC. 30 Apr. to 2 May 1968; Winslow, AZ.
*Warren, John E., Jr. 1st Lt., USA. 14 Jan. 1969; New York, N.Y.
*Watters, Charles Joseph, Chaplain (Maj.), USA. 19 Nov. 1967; Fort Dix, N.J.
*Wayrynen, Dale Eugene, Spec. 4, USA. 18 May 1967; Minneapolis, Minn.
*Weber, Lester W., LCpl., USMC. 23 Feb. 1969; Chicago, Ill.
Wetzel, Gary George, Spec. 4 (then PFC.), USA. 8 Jan. 1968; Milwaukee, Wis.
*Wheat, Roy M., LCpl., USMC. 11 Aug. 1967; Jackson, Miss.
*Wickam, Jerry Wayne, Cpl., USA. 6 Jan. 1968; Chicago, Ill.
*Wilbanks, Hilliard A., Capt., USAF. 24 Feb. 1967; Atlanta, Ga.
*Willett, Louis E., PFC, USA. 15 Feb. 1967; Brooklyn, N.Y.
Williams, Charles Q., 1st Lt. (then 2d Lt.), USA. 9-10 June 1965; Fort Jackson, S.C.
*Williams, Dewayne T., PFC, USMC. 18 Sept. 1968; Saint Clair, Mich.
Williams, James E., Boatswain's Mate First Class (PO1c.), USN. 31 Oct. 1966; Columbia, S.C.
*Wilson, Alfred M., PFC, USMC. 3 March 1969; Abilene, Tex.
*Winder, David F., PFC, USA. 13 May 1970; Columbus, Ohio.
*Worley, Kenneth L., LCpl., USMC. 12 Aug. 1968; Fresno, Calif.
Wright, Raymond R., Spec. 4, USA. 2 May 1967; Moriah, N.Y.
*Yabes, Maximo, First Sgt., USA. 26 Feb. 1967; Eugene, Ore.
*Yano, Rodney J. T., Sgt. 1st Class, USA. 1 Jan. 1969; Honolulu, Hawaii.
*Yntema, Gordon Douglas, Sgt., USA. 16-18 Jan. 1968; Detroit, Mich.
Young, Gerald O., Capt., USAF. 9 Nov. 1967; Colorado Springs, Colo.
*Young, Marvin R.,Staff Sgt., USA. 21 Aug. 1968; Odessa, Tex.
Zabitosky, Fred William, Sgt. 1st Class (then Staff Sgt.), USA. 19 Feb. 1968; Trenton, N.J.